Gift Discernment


The Gift Discernment Committee is given the task of finding people to work on Bethel’s various committees. With an eye to matching people’s gifts and interests with opportunities, we seek to help people find joy and fulfillment in their involvements at Bethel.


 Latest Updates from Gift Discernment


Gift Discernment Committee Annual Report 2021

For all committees at Bethel, this past year has been extremely challenging. The realities of the global pandemic together with public health measures that limited close contact have meant that all of our committees have had to rethink how they meet, what their priorities and directions should be, and how to do what they do. Thank you to every person who has served on a committee in these difficult times, and also to every one behind the scenes who has supported/encouraged /facilitated the programming and ministries of Bethel. It has been heartening to see energy and creativity bubble up in many areas.

Over this past year, Bethel has added one new committee — the Communications Committee — and disbanded one committee — the Bethel Financial Aid Committee. Both of these changes came after considerable conversation and watchful planning.

Several committees have agreed to operate with one or two fewer members. While smaller committees seem like a great idea, in reality it means that for some committees there is less ability to have effective turnover from year to year and in some instances, to get the work done. We are watching this carefully and are noting where we need to priorize our efforts.

At the end of this summer, a number of people will be stepping away from the committee they’ve been on because they have completed the maximum two terms (6 years) or they are completing a three-year term. We at Bethel are grateful for all of your contributions. Thank you!

As we look to the coming year we are thankful that we have been able to find people to fill many vacancies and step into new roles. There are still a few openings we are working to fill. Please take time to consider whether and how you may be able to engage in committee work. We would be glad to hear from you.

One more observation: many persons we invited to take a committee role declined this opportunity, but were willing to get involved in a project. We know we have many who contribute in this way—painting, wiring, helping out for an event, and so on. We are also grateful for these contributions though they may not always be recognized in the same way that formal committee involvements are recognized.

May we all live out our vision of “loving God, each other, and our neighbours.”


  1. To encourage the discernment of spiritual gifts within the Bethel membership

  2. To facilitate the rewarding experience that comes from using those spiritual gifts in active Christian witness and service, within and beyond Bethel

  3. To assist committees and other working groups within Bethel in gaining the volunteers they need to work at their respective ministries




Mennonite Voluntary Service