

The property committee is responsible for maintaining the church building and grounds. We also communicate and coordinate needs with long term community partners that utilize Bethel’s facilities. Below is a snap shot of a few things we have done over the 2020-2021 year.

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 This past year has certainly been a different year. Through most of this past year the physical building has not had a lot of use. Live Worship services were suspended, some of the renters stopped using their spaces, and the food bank staff had to rethink how they could continue to operate. Rent adjustments were made for tenants, as requested, to reflect the changes of use. Carter Early Learning Center continued to operate, but on a Covid-revised protocol, with reduced client numbers.

  • During this time, our custodian took the opportunity to paint a large portion of the lower level. He also did a deep cleaning of the entire church. While limited services were proceeding, he ensured that all touch areas were cleaned on a very regular basis. Thanks for your diligence during this trying time.

  • The committee took the reduced activity level in the church as an opportunity to complete the renovations of the main restrooms, on the lower level.

  • The redevelopment of the WIFI network in the church is mainly complete. This has allowed the audio and visual technical enhancements (new cameras and computers) in the sanctuary to proceed, as well. This new network will provide seamless coverage throughout the church.

  • Our website manager has been working diligently at redoing the church’s web site, finding the appropriate web site provider, and then setting it up. This has been a huge task and is still on-going. Thanks for your perseverance in this area.

  • The property committee has been busy assisting Carter Early Learning Center as they enlarge their footprint in the church, into the lower lounge. This will allow them to expand their programing to include a before and after school program. The renovations, funded by CELC, for this expansion are completed, and programing has started up. This expansion will impact church programing in this area. Mitigating these impacts will be a challenge. A sub-committee, struck to find accommodation for the affected programs, proposed the development of a coffee nook area adjacent to the main lobby in the basement. This proposal was accepted by Church Council, and development has been completed

  • The Education committee proposed a redevelopment of the nursery area in the church this past year. This proposal was moved ahead and renovation work is primarily completed.

I would like to thank all those who have helped the property committee maintain the physical structure of the church this past year.



