Toward a new relationship - Pastor-Congregation Relations Committee


When transitioning between pastors, Bethel Church has generally had a period of distancing between its existing pastor and the congregation. This is a common practice in many churches to give sufficient space for a new pastor and the existing pastoral team to create their own unique patterns of relationship with the congregation.

After a period of discernment and consultation involving Darrel Toews, the PCRC, the Pastoral Team, and Council Executive, the executive has decided to modify this practice in Darrel’s case. We are aware that Darrel is undergoing health changes and that his decision to retire became necessary earlier that he would have liked. Ever since he and Lucille moved to Winnipeg 8 years ago, Bethel Church has become their primary community in Winnipeg for both worship and social interaction. Adopting a new faith community, even on an interim basis, would pose unnecessary strains to the family at a time when the care and support of a familiar faith community is most needed.

As Bethel seeks to be a loving and supportive community for all its members, including its former pastors, and having taken Darrel’s unique circumstances into consideration, we would like to welcome Darrel to continue attending Bethel as a regular member with the understanding that Bethel will limit its expectations of Darrel as follows.

For a period of 3 years starting May 1, 2022, Bethel will make no requests of Darrel to conduct funerals or to participate in other church rituals (weddings, child dedications, etc.); to participate on church committees; or to participate formally within Bethel’s pastoral care program. Darrel in return agrees respectfully to decline any such requests from individual congregants and not to attend congregational meetings.

It is our hope that these measures will facilitate Darrel’s transition from pastor to congregant and contribute to a new and joyful relationship with the congregation.


Other Notes


Young Adults Game Night