Pastoral Complement Task Force


The Task Force (Dave Bergen, Waldy Ens, Kathy Koop, Daniella Penner, Adelia Neufeld Wiens) has been asked to explore the question, “How many pastors are needed to help Bethel’s people to live out our mission statement of loving God, each other and our neighbours?” Part of our work has been to analyze attendance and giving trends at Bethel and beyond. We now would like to consult with you!

·         Parents of young families are invited to an in-person Feedback Session during Kids Connecting on Sunday, Dec. 4, 11:15 am (Lower Lounge).

·         Young Adults are invited to a Zoom Feedback Session on Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 7:00 pm.

·         Everyone is invited to a Feedback Session during the Adult Education hour on Sunday, Dec. 11, at 11:15 am.

A survey will be sent out to everyone sometime around mid-December.

We look forward to having broad participation in helping to think through this important question.


Potluck Meal


Christmas in the Manger