Did you know?

  • The Bethel E-Newsletter has 290 subscribers and 85% of them open up the email to read the newsletter 2 or more times a month. Considerable care is taken each week to ensure that the news and updates in the newsletter are what the Bethel Family needs to see and hear.

  • Our Website now contains significantly more content about who we are and what we do than we ever had before…..and, it is updated weekly. Go to bethelmennonite.ca and have fun navigating around our new website.

  • Bethel’s website has been designed to hold all the news and updates about Bethel, the Bethel Family, and our related organizations. We used to call the news and updates “announcements”. You can easily find them:

    • in context, when you go to a website page, such as Kids Clubs

    • in each week’s “Bethel Live”, the live streamed worship service, curated as Weekly Announcements, or

    • search for them by word, topic, and date of announcement in the Public Repository, accessible on the home page or from each individual update at the bottom of the page

  • We keep private Bethel Family information safe by making use of personal accounts, instead of a single username and password to access this information. About half of the Bethel Family have signed up. Check the Jan 20th Bethel E-Newsletter for the link to create an account.

  • Worship services are live streamed using YouTube. There tend to be about 100 views on the day of a service, with about 30 to 70 more happening later on in the week. Because these views often include more than one person, the total number of people would certainly fill a large portion of our sanctuary.


Updated Committee Listing


Carter Early Learning Centre Update