
This website has 2 separate areas, the public facing side, and the members only side. The majority of this website is designed to be made public. Bethel values its relationship with the community, the larger church body, related organizations, and any groups or individuals interested in what we do.

However, like many organizations, Bethel Mennonite Church also needs to maintain a safe and secure space to share private and sensitive information. If you are a church member and would like access to the members only section please reach out to the Bethel Mennonite Church office.

If there are any questions, concerns, or comments, Please reach out to our website manager. We appreciate your time and feedback.

  • Website

    Bethel Mennonite Church has decided to use Squarespace as a website host and editor. This “off the shelf” solution allows the overall maintenance of security updates and servers to be performed by Squarespace. By out sourcing these security needs, it ensures we stay up to date and can focus our church resources on the content, engagement and interaction.

  • Donations and Giving

    Bethel Mennonite Church provides a variety of ways to donate and give. In terms of the donation options on this website, we use PayPal. This allows us to use a very secure and familiar system that is used around the world.

  • Cookies and Tracking

    Bethel Mennonite Church does use the standard tracking cookies from both Squarespace and Google. These tools allow us to identify which pages are being used and how systems access our site. This information is strictly used to make changes to the website in order to better serve Bethel Family’s needs.