Worship Focus April 21


April 21 Worship Focus

·         Theme: I Am…The Good Shepherd

·         Scripture: John 10:11-18, Isaiah 40:6-11

·         Speaker: MaryLou Driedger

Our post-Easter worship explores a number of the “I am…” statements that Jesus uses to describe himself in the gospel of John. Who is the resurrected Christ? These profound images and metaphors offer much to feed our spiritual imaginations as we seek to live in the light of an empty tomb. This week we explore the familiar and beloved theme of Jesus as the one who loves and cares for his sheep. “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

Please join us in-person on Sunday at 10:00 am, or online. To view online, go to the home page on our website www.bethelmennonite.ca and click on Bethel Live.

April 28 Worship Focus

·         Theme: I Am…The Vine

·         Scripture: John 15:1-11, Isaiah 11:1-9

·         Speaker: Valerie Alipova


WMS Gala May 2


Congregational Annual General Meeting