Worship Focus, Jan. 7


January 7 – Epiphany Worship Focus

·         Theme: Everyday Epiphanies

·         Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12

·         Speaker: Valerie Alipova

We will consider the cultural and historical backgrounds of the Magi and the significance of their journey from the East. The Magi bring a cultural richness to the Epiphany story, emphasizing the universal nature of Christ's message that transcends cultural boundaries. The focus will shift to the epiphanies we have in our everyday life, inviting us to see the Magi's encounter with Christ, not as a singular event but as an ongoing influence in their journey. With a mindset of openness and expectancy, we can recognize the possibility of encountering Christ in our everyday circumstances.

Please join us in-person on Sunday at 10:00 am, or online. To view online, go to the home page on our website www.bethelmennonite.ca and click on Bethel Live.

January 14 – Worship Focus

·      Theme: Sermon on the Mount, Part 1

·      Speaker: Kathy McCamis




Adult Ed. Jan. 7