Westgate CAMS concert


Please come to the Canadian Association of Mennonite Schools (CAMS) joint concert on Sunday, April 21 at 3:00 pm at Jubilee Place (MBCI, 181 Riverton Ave). Performing schools are Westgate, MBCI, RJC, Rockway, UMEI, and WMS (WMEMS). Admission is free. Rush Seating with a silver collection.

Westgate Spring Bursary Banquet: Come enjoy an evening of fine food, fellowship, and inspiring entertainment by Westgate’s Concert Band and Vocal Jazz group. There is no cost to attend this event, but please RSVP before MAY 1. RSVP and Save Your Seat HERE or by contacting Natalie Johnson at 204-775-7111 ext 246 or njohnson@westgatemennonite.org. Looking forward to seeing you there! Mon., May 13, 5:30 pm Reception, 6:30 pm Dinner ~ Canad Inns – Polo Park.

The Westgate Strategic Planning Committee is working on a plan to guide the school throughout the next 10 years. We want your input and invite you to fill out a survey. Please visit our website or click here: Westgate Survey Link.


MC Manitoba + MC Canada


Worship Focus April 14