

This past weekend I had the privilege of attending the annual Mennonite Church Manitoba Gathering at Emmanuel Mennonite Church in Winkler. This was my fourth time attending one of these meetings in person (plus a couple of virtual Gatherings in the middle), and I found myself reflecting on my gratitude for this larger family of churches to which we at Bethel belong. Certainly, one of the joys of Gathering is the opportunity to reconnect with colleagues and friends from across the province.

The theme for Gathering 2024 was “From Every Nation: Living Into an Intercultural Church.” Guest speaker Fanosie Legesse, MC Eastern Canada’s Intercultural Mission Minister, led delegates in an exploration of Revelation 7’s vision of a multitude “from all tribes and peoples and languages.”

In my interactions with the people who participate in our various community ministry programs at Bethel, it is obvious that our own neighbourhood is home to people from diverse cultural backgrounds. From the food bank to the students at Harrow School, and from Bethel Kids Club to the newcomers participating in Mosaic’s English classes, our church already offers a welcome to people from many different cultural backgrounds. Interactions with friends from different parts of the world and of different faith backgrounds has certainly enriched my life and expanded my understanding of God and the world for the better.

At Gathering, we were challenged to consider the gifts that we have to offer newcomers to Canada as we seek to offer welcome, friendship, and hospitality not only in our community ministry programs but within our worshipping communities as well. How might we better come alongside families who are adjusting to life in Canada as we help provide practical support? Perhaps we have wisdom to share in helping newcomers who are looking for pathways to employment. Perhaps amidst concerns about food insecurity we have experience in cooking “more with less”—using simple, low-cost ingredients to provide nourishing family meals. Perhaps we can share the joy of making music with others in our neighbourhood by forming a community choir. The possibilities are endless!

Will you join me in imagining how we might use the rich gifts of our Bethel family to extend friendship and belonging to neighbours from many different backgrounds, offering a place to all who seek belonging whether in our worship or in our wider community ministry circles?

After all, we all want a place to know and be known, and to be reminded that we are loved by God and others!

 - Pastor Kathy McCamis


Praying for MCM congregations


Worship Focus, March 10