

Ten more sleeps until the resurrection! Each of us carries different hopes, different burdens, and different dreams as we navigate this season of waiting. Some of us are anxiously awaiting the first signs of spring and for the warmth it brings. Others may be patiently waiting for a break, a chance to catch our breath in the busyness of life. And there are those of us who are counting down the days until a new chapter begins—a new job, a new home, or the arrival of a new little one.

But let's be honest, waiting is tough. Waiting requires patience, perseverance, and faith. Waiting for resurrection, in particular, can feel like a huge challenge. We live in a world that often seems to be in brokenness and despair, where the promise of new life can sometimes feel unachievable.

Yet, even as we wait, we are not alone. We are surrounded by a community of faith—a community that offers support, encouragement, and companionship in our journey. And we remember the promises of God, who is faithful to fulfill His word.

In Psalm 27:14, we are encouraged to "wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" This verse reminds us that waiting requires strength and courage, and it is through our waiting that we are able to experience the faithfulness and goodness of God in new and meaningful ways.

So, as we sit here together, waiting for the resurrection, let's take comfort in knowing that we're in this together. Let's lean on each other for support and encouragement, and let's hold onto the promises of God. Because even in the waiting, there is hope. And that hope is what keeps us going, even when the waiting feels endless.

 - Pastor Valerie Alipova


Holy Week events


Adult Ed. March 24