Pastoral Reflection


With Labour Day now in the rear-view mirror, this week is “back to school” for many, and “back to routines” even for some of us no longer part of the school system. On Wednesday, we delivered our older two to Westgate and our youngest to Laura Secord for their much anticipated (if also somewhat dreaded) first day. I was struck by how much the school drop-off and pick-up is a gathering place for the neighbourhood—especially on the first day of school! There was lots of excited chatter and friendly banter. I even reconnected with two different neighbours I knew from years back, whom I’d been waiting to run into since we moved into the neighbourhood.

The Bethel church building has the same feeling this week. Groups are gathering again, for both church and community events. There is a buzz of energy and activity that will only grow over the next few weeks. It is exciting to be a part of it. I trust that we can enjoy the connections and activity that are renewed again in the fall, without forgetting the lessons of summer’s slower pace. Let’s dive into this season while still remembering to take long walks in the cooler weather and moments to sit and listen. God is there in the activity, but God is also there in the stillness. For this week though, I'll enjoy the chatter and the energy that will carry us into a new season, thanks be to God.

 - Pastor Kevin Derksen


Sept. 10 Worship Focus


Adult Ed. begins Sept. 17