Bulletin Announcements


Free tuition for a year at CMU! Apply to CMU for a chance to have your undergraduate tuition covered! To be eligible Canadian students must return a completed CMU application for the 2022/23 academic year starting in September. Visit cmu.ca/admissions for further eligibility requirements. 


Webinar | Financial Aid: Money Matters, May 11 at 6:00 PM (CDT) – Paying for university can feel quite overwhelming, and we want to help in whatever ways we can. Find out about CMU’s scholarships, bursaries, and grants, and discover helpful tips for finding financial aid beyond CMU. Visit cmu.ca/webinar for information and registration. 


Canadian School of Peacebuilding, June 6-10; 13-17 – Registration is now open for courses taught by local, national, and international peacebuilders to serve practitioners, professionals, activists, students, non-governmental organizations, and faith-based groups. Visit csop.cmu.ca


Mennonite Community Orchestra presents "Living on the Edge" on Sunday, May 15 at 3:00 PM at the Lutheran Church of the Cross in Winnipeg. Visit cmu.ca/events for ticket information. 


Employment Opportunity. Canadian Mennonite University invites inquiries and applications for a full-time salaried position of Administrative Assistant/North Side Reception with an anticipated start date in June. Visit cmu.ca/employment for more details. 


Summer Employment Opportunity


Church Announcements