

For many of us, I suspect, this week’s reprieve from our early winter weather has been most welcome. Blue skies and warmer temperatures have melted the snow and called us out to enjoy a brief return to autumn. In my own case, it has also given opportunity to finish some winterizing chores that were interrupted by the October snow—a barbeque and some flower pots to put away, a couple of clogged eaves to clear. And a nicely raked pile of leaves on the front lawn that didn’t manage to get bagged before the snow fell and froze. Admittedly, this was a wetter and slimier job than it would have been a month ago!

There is an important and healthy rhythm to our preparations for winter. We tuck up our homes, seal the cracks, and settle in for the months of cold. We gather in and consolidate our things and our lives after the ease and spread of warmer months. And perhaps we also have the opportunity to identify and prioritize what is most important. We are invited to clarify and simplify as the season changes, becoming ready to slow down a little and focus on our more basic needs for warmth and shelter. What are you “winterizing” in your life these days? How do you prepare for the season ahead?

- Pastor Kevin Derksen


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