Harrow School


Harrow School

Recent news articles have highlighted the increased demand on food banks across the province, and our food bank at Bethel is no exception. We continue to work with Harvest Manitoba in an ongoing partnership to explore the best ways to support need for food assistance in our neighbourhood.

In addition, this past week we heard from the staff at Harrow School that they have seen a marked increase in the number of students arriving at school hungry. The school staff have started a breakfast program in an effort to meet these needs and ensure that no child is trying to learn on an empty stomach—and as a congregation committed to loving our neighbours, we want to support the school in serving families in our community in this way.

You are invited to bring donations of food items to support the breakfast program at Harrow School, in addition to helping provide the ongoing snack kits that Bethel already collects for the school. We will accept donations of both snacks and breakfast items, which will be collected and delivered to the school office. Currently, most-needed items include:

  • Family size boxes of Cheerios or Rice Krispies

  • 1-litre tetra packs of apple juice

  • School snack items (e.g., granola bars, snack bars, fruit snacks, applesauce pouches, individually packaged crackers)

Please remember that all donated items must be nut free. Thank you for your support in meeting this growing need in our community!

- Kathy McCamis


Worship Nov. 12


Pilgrim Group, Nov. 16